Common Car A/C Problems And Fixes

Common Car A/C Problems And Fixes


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Typical A/C Issues

There are very few things worse than losing your dependable air conditioning on a hot summer’s day. In fact, only a handful of people know what to do in a situation like that. However, all is not lost! Let’s discuss some reasons why your car’s A/C might be having issues and probable solutions to these problems. 

No Cold Air

Is air coming out but it's room temperature at best? The culprit is usually a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant leaks are difficult to diagnose since they evaporate when exposed to air. The best course of action here is to take your car in to see an expert. They will be able to run the necessary tests to identify the root cause and refill the refrigerant if needed.

Air is Cool But Not Cold

Is your car’s A/C struggling to cool down, even when on MAX cooling? The issue may be similar to the one above and be caused by low refrigerant. However, if the refrigerant is full, two other components may be at fault: a or damaged condenser, or a failed clutch switch. Again, the best course of action here is to see a professional as these components may need to be repaired or replaced.

No Air at All

Can’t even turn the heat on? There are a few possible causes:

  1. Blown fuse or failed relay: These regulate the power to the motor.
  2. Damaged blower: This pushes air through the vents and can malfunction due to wear and tear.
  3. Blocked air intake: Air can come from outside the car through vents at the base of the windshield, or be recirculated inside the car. A clogged filter or debris on the vents can block airflow.
  4. Damage to belts or hoses: There are many of these in the system. Damage or disconnection can prevent airflow.

Since there are many reasons why no air is coming out of the car vents, it is best to take your car to an A/C technician who can first diagnose the problem. They can then advise on repairs or replacements.

A/C Has Mildew Smell

The smell of mildew indicates bacteria growth in the ventilation system. This is common in cars that use the MAX cool setting often, which introduces extra moisture to the system. It is also seen often in older cars, or when the air conditioning is not used often. In this instance, replacing the cabin air filter should fix the issue. If the problem persists, an A/C technician can clean the evaporator with an antibacterial solution.

Car A/C Makes Noise

A/C systems should be quiet when in use. If you hear any unusual sounds, there are a couple of things that can cause this. It could be as simple as debris clogging the vents, or it could indicate a major failure in a system part. In order not to make the problem worse, try not to use your A/C until you can have the problem diagnosed and repaired by an A/C technician.

Let TRUE Automotive Get You Ready for Summer!

Your car’s A/C problems don’t need to ruin your vacation. If you have an issue, TRUE Automotive is here to help! We have over a decade of experience serving customers with all makes and models of vehicles. We even offer complimentary Lyft and Uber services so there is no inconvenience in bringing your car in for repair. We can’t wait for you to join our valued community. 

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